Wednesday, February 13, 2013

17 kandungan rokok yang berbahaya atau tidak

Health is something very precious, something that is very expensive. but many people waste their health as if they were no longer concerned about their health, for example, many men and women who smoke, but had no doubt that cigarettes can cause cancer, impotence, heart attack, disorders of pregnancy etc. let’s look at the composition of cigarettes

The materials used to make a cigarette in the picture above is
  1. Acetone (solvent)
  2. Naphtylamine
  3. Methanol (Used as rocket fuel)
  4. Pyrene
  5. Naphtalene (moth-Reoellent)
  6. Nicotine (Used as a herbicide and insecticide)
  7. Cadmium (Used in Batteries)
  8. Carbon Monoxide (found in exhaust fumes)
  9. Vynil Chloride (Used In Plastic Materials)
  10. DDT (insecticide)
  11. Polonium 210 (a radio active element)
  12. Dibenzacridine
  13. Arsenic (lethal poison)
  14. Toluene (industrial solvent)
  15. urethane
  16. Ammoniac (detergent)
  17. Cyanhydric Acid (was Used in the Gas Chamber)
these materials are very dangerous and also threaten our lives. let us keep our health before its too late.source (*


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